About SimLab Soft

Since Simlab Soft was founded in 2007, it's mission was clearly defined.Develop state-of-the-art 3D software products that are both fun and easy to use.SimLab does its best to make sure that it always provides the right 3D tools, and that the users are enjoying our tools, and they help them succeed, accomplish great results fast, and within budget.
Known for our wide range of powerful 3D importers and exporters, used in multiple commercial 3D products, and our worldwide base of 3D partners who we helped to bring their 3D ambitions into reality through professional consultation, we believe the secret of our success is pretty simple: We think partners, not clients. Our partners' success is our goal, and we take it personally.

Resellers Program

Simulation Lab Software is working on building a strong network of resellers. Value added resellers interested in selling SimLab Composer and SimLab plugins are welcome to contact SimLab at info@sim lab -soft.com.
Please click Here for a list of SimLab Composer resellers


Who we are?

SimLab Soft is a 3D CAD development company dedicated to providing 3D for All, with NO Compromise.

Technology partners

Simulation Lab Software has technology partnerships with the following companies: